


International Congress on Medical Physics 2016

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you on behalf of the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) to participate at the 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics ICMP 2016.

This large international conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand (9-12 December 2016). The Conference will be hosted by the IOMP in collaboration with our Regional Organisations:

The Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP)
The South – East Asian Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (SEAFOMP)

The local organising society, the Thai Medical Physicist Society (TMPS), is one of the fastest developing medical physics societies in recent time. I am sure that this, together with the incredible hospitality of the beautiful Thailand, will provide a really dynamic, stimulating and enjoyable International Conference.

The Conference programme will concentrate on the most recent developments in medical physics, plus application of new methods and instrumentation, but also it will include many Workshops and Refresher Courses. This will create an atmosphere with emphasis both to the scientific rigour and to the professional development.

This will be the 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics. A long path has been walked from the 1st such Conference in Harrogate, UK in 1965. For these 50+ years medical physics contributed enormously to the success of contemporary medicine. Two Nobel Awards (for Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and many other new methods and instrumentation transformed the delivery of healthcare for the benefit of the patients. In this period the number of medical physicists in the world increased from 6000 to more than 20,000, but what is more important – the number of countries with medical physics societies increased from about 10 to more than 80. Our IOMP International Conferences and World Congresses are vital for the synchronised activities supporting this professional growth and importance.

We hope to see you at the ICMP 2016 – charged with new scientific ideas and professional enthusiasm!

International Congress on Medical Physics 2016 1

Prof.Dr Slavik Tabakov, FIPEM, FIOMP
President IOMP

Credit : https://icmp2016.org/default.aspx


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